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A Simple Two-Column Layout

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A Simple Two-Column Layout

In the first example, I introduce a very common layout; it contains a narrow left column for navigation and a right column that houses the rest of the page's content. In this example, the navigation column is a fixed width, but the content area is fluidthat is, it changes width depending on the width of the browser window.

A Simple Two-Column Layout

In all of these examples, I do things in the most simple way to make the point, and often choose a different color for the backgrounds of each element. This allows you to see the location of these elements without adding to their sizes by using borders. So although these might not look too pretty, they do clearly illustrate what I am trying to show you. We'll get to the aesthetics later.

First, let's start with the XHTML Strict template, which you can download from www.bbd.com/stylin.

The body of the document should be styled to look like this

<div id="nav">        <-- a
      <li><a href="#">Link 1</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Link 2</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Link 3</a></li>
<div id="content">        <-- b
   <h1>A Simple Two Column Layout</h1>
   <p><strong>Step x - bold text here...</strong> More text here...</p>
   <p>More text here...</p>
   <p>More text here...</p>
   <p>More text here...</p>

(a)Start of navigation div

(b)Start of content div

The markup has two divs: the first is the navigation div, which is a set of links organized within a list, and the second is the content div, which is a heading and some paragraphs. It looks like this in the browser (Figure 5.1):

Figure 5.1. Here's how the unstyled markup for our two-column layout looks.

A Simple Two-Column Layout

The first step in creating your two-column layout is to break the navigation out of the flow of the document by positioning it absolutely, like this

body {margin:0px; padding:0px;}
div#nav {position:absolute; width:150px; border-right:2px solid red;}

Note that you also need to set the margins and padding of the body to zero to remove any default settings. In addition, you should set the width of your navigation to 150px to create the width of the column and temporarily turn on the right border so that you can see exactly where the div is now positioned. Here's what you get (Figure 5.2):

Figure 5.2. The navigation is taken out of the flow of the document, but the content is too far to the left.

A Simple Two-Column Layout

The navigation is now absolutely positioned, and by setting the left and top to zero, you ensure that its top left corner is aligned with the top left corner of its containing element, body.

Now is the winter of our "div content". The content area now takes the navigation div's place as the first element in the regular flow of the document, so it also moves to the top left corner of the parent body element. The page looks a bit of a mess at this point. However, the tops of both elements are now aligned, and all you have to do next is push the content div over to the right (Figure 5.3). We do this by setting its left margin

body {margin:0px; padding:0px;}i
div#nav {position:absolute; width:150px; left:0px; top:0px;  border-right:2px solid red;} 
A Simple Two-Column Layout       <-- a

div#content {margin-left:150px;}

(a)Temporary 2px border will be removed soon, so not accounted for in margin-width of div#content

Figure 5.3. There it isa two-column layout with just three lines of CSS. Now it's cleanup time.

A Simple Two-Column Layout

Now that you have your two-column layout, you need to think about making it look more presentable.

You can have some fun playing with this yourself, but here are a few ideas to get to you started (Figure 5.4)

body    {margin:0px; padding:0px;
font: 1em verdana, arial, sans-serif;        <-- a
div#nav {position:absolute;        <-- b
   left:0px; top:0px; width:150px; 
   padding:.5em 0 0 0;        <-- c
   margin:22px 0 0 15px;        <-- d
   border-top:2px solid #069;        <-- 4
   border-bottom:1px solid #069;        <-- 4
div#nav ul {margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:.8em;}        <-- e
div#nav li {margin-bottom:.5em;        <-- f
       font-weight:bold; font-size:.75em;        <-- g
div#content {margin:20px 0 0 165px;        <-- h
   padding: 0 1em;        <-- i
div#content h1{font-size:1em;}        <-- 10
div#content p {font-size:.8em;}        <-- 10
div#content li {font-size:.75em;}        <-- 10

(a)Set the baseline font and font-size

(b)Red border removed

(c)Push the list down from the top of the nav div

(d)Move the nav div down and in from edge

(4)Add a rule aross the top and bottom of the nav


(e)Position list vertically within containing div

(f)Add space below each list item

(g)Style links

(h)Move content div down and to left to clear nav

(i)Push the content in on the left and right

(10)Style the text elements



Figure 5.4. Here is the finished layout, which has been enhanced with some text and border styles.

A Simple Two-Column Layout

Here's more detail on what I did to make the layout look better:

  1. I wanted to align the top of the navigation div with the top of the content div and bring them both down from the top of the page a little, so I put 20 pixels of top margin on the content div first. I then found that I needed a couple more pixels on the navigation div to compensate for the thickness of its top rule.

  2. I padded the navigation div with 5 pixels on each side to move it away from the browser on the left and the content on the right.

  3. I compensated for the extra 10 pixels this added to the width of the navigation div by adding 15 pixels to the left margin of the content div. Note that I changed the margin style to the short hand version so that I could specify the other three sides at the same time.

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