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Getting Started With the Snergs Site

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Getting Started With the Snergs Site

We're going to use the "Absolute Three-Column Layout with Header" template that we created in Chapter 5. It's the one with three columns, a header, and absolutely positioned side columns.

We are going to use the "Absolute Three-Column Layout with Header" template instead of the negative margins technique we learned at the end of Chapter 6 because it is the less complex and therefore easier to use for learning purposes. Those of you who feel ready may want to look at the negative margins version of this page that I've put up on the Stylin' site (http://www.bbd.com/stylin). See "The Snergs Site Created with Negative Margins" sidebar at the end of this chapter for more information.

The difference between the templates folder for each type of layout and the associated demo files used to develop these layouts is that real sites have separate XHTML and CSS files.

Getting Started With the Snergs Site

You can the download the "Absolute Columns with Header" example from the Stylin' site at www.bbd.com/stylin, which has this template set up and ready for you to use.

When you were learning how to create layouts in Chapter 5, it was convenient to have the CSS styles at the head of the page. However, such styles can only be seen by the page in which they live, which is not good for a real site where you want multiple pages to share a common set of styles.

Because of this, I have moved the styles for each template example from the style element in the head of the template's XHTML document into a separate CSS file in a folder named css. The css folder is located at the same level as the XHTML document, and it is linked to the XHTML page using the link tag.

Simply use a link tag in the head of each XHTML page to link the style sheet to the page, like so

<link href="css/stylesheetname.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />

If you open any .css style sheet file, you will notice that the style tags don't get put in an external style sheetthe link tag tells the browser that the style sheet is pure CSS, so a style sheet simply starts with the first declaration. Note that each Stylin' template's style sheet has its own identifying name; I just used the placeholder stylesheetname.css to represent that name in the link tag example above.

Getting Started With the Snergs Site

Be warned, if you leave the style tags around the styles in a style sheet, the style sheet will not load.

Setting Up the Folder Structure

When you start building a Web site, you first set up a folder, usually referred to as the local folder, on your computer. This folder ultimately contains an exact copy of the finished Web site located in the root folder on your Web server (see "The Root Directory" sidebar on the next page). When you have finished your Web site, or even when it is still in development, and you are ready to upload the site to your Web server, you need to copy the contents of the local folder, but not the folder itself, into the root directory on the Web server.

Usually, you need an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client and, to log in, the host name, user name, and password. Then you can upload your files and folders into the root folder of your site. You can obtain FTP information from your ISP (Internet Service Provider) or, if you are in a corporate environment, your network administrator.

The Root Directory

The root directory is the one to which the URL for your Web site points. A URL provides a unique address for every document on the Internet.

Every domain, such as snergs.com, is associated via the Domain Name System (DNS, a kind of phone book for the Web) with an IP address (Internet Protocol address, the unique numerical name of every server on the Internet). When you type a URL in your browser, the DNS looks up the domain name, finds the IP address of the associated server, and forwards the request to that server.

When the server receives the request for the page, it can see the domain name associated with the request and can then route the request to a specific folder on the server that relates to that domain: the root folder. If the URL contains a path directly to a specific page, that page is served to the requesting Web browser. If the requested URL is simply www.snergs.com, with no file name specified, the root folder is searched, and if it contains a page called default.html (or .htm), home.html, or index.html, that page is automatically served.

In short, the root folder is the top folder in the hierarchy of your Web site and, thanks to your ISP or network administrator, it is associated with your Web address. Learn more about the DNS system on the InterNIC site (www.internic.net/faqs/authoritative-dns.html).

As I mentioned earlier, you are going to use the Stylin' template that is a three-column layout with absolutely positioned side columns and a header. To do so, follow these steps:

First, download this template, called three_columns_absolute_header, from www.bbd.com/stylin.

Next, create the site's local folder in a suitable place on your computer and name it snergs_site.

Copy the contents of the three_columns_absolute_header folder into it. If viewed in Macromedia Dreamweaver's site window, the file organization looks like Figure 8.1.

Figure 8.1. The Snergs Web site's local folder contains the template's XHTML document and a folder called css, which contains the style sheet.

Getting Started With the Snergs Site

Clearly, you need better file names that relate to the project, so change the name of the three_cols_absolute.htm XHTML file to index.htm (see "The Root Directory" sidebar for the reason for using that name) and change the three_cols_absolute.css style sheet file name to snergs.css.

Because you've changed the name of the .css file, you also need to change the URL in the link tag of the .html document so that the renamed style sheet is once again associated with the XHTML file. The new link tag looks like this

<link href="css/snergs.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

This is a good time to open the index.htm file in your browser and check to see that you successfully linked it to the style sheet. If the XHTML can't see the style sheet, you get default styled markup (Figure 8.2).

Figure 8.2. The unstyled document indicates that the link's URL to the style sheet is incorrect.

Getting Started With the Snergs Site

If you got the link URL correct, and the XHTML document can see the style sheet, a screen similar to Figure 8.3 appears.

Figure 8.3. The styled document indicates that the link's URL to the style sheet is correct.

Getting Started With the Snergs Site

Once the style sheet is linked to the XHTML document, it's time to start developing the site from this template. Let's start at the very beginning.

Creating the Site Architecture

Even for a simple site like this one, it's worth drawing an architecture diagram to make you think the project through and to achieve any consensus you need from team members about the site's structure before you start creating graphics and code. An architecture diagram also helps keep you on track as you work. Figure 8.4 shows the architectural diagram for the Snergs site.

Figure 8.4. In this Web site architecture diagram, each box represents a page and the lines represent links between them. Don't start coding without one!

Getting Started With the Snergs Site

I use Microsoft Visio to create architecture diagrams, but you can also use a graphics application like Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia FreeHand, or Macromedia Fireworks. There are a some benefits to Visio, thoughthe connecting lines glom onto the boxes so the connections between boxes remain attached as you move them around; boxes automatically route themselves around other boxes and over other lines; and you just click in the boxes to create labels.

Getting Started With the Snergs Site

You can learn more about developing Information Architecture diagrams and download a set of Visio or .eps symbols especially for this purpose from Jesse James Garrett's site (www.jjg.net/ia/visvocab).

I also highly recommend his book, The Elements of User Experience (New Riders Press, 2002), a succinct and insightful introduction to planning and designing Web sites and online applications.

Some presentational aspects are suggested by Figure 8.4 (although its primary purpose is to indicate structure). For example, the plan for the home page is to have the main navigation in the left column, a promotion for the book and news links in the right column, and a footer at the bottom of the content area with links to legal and copyright information.

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