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Lessons Learned

As noted at the beginning of the chapter, I wouldn't recommend using deconstruction/ reconstruction as a method by which to redesign websites to adhere to standards, but it's a great exercise through which to understand how structure and style work together to streamline documents. It makes documents render more quickly and makes them flexible and easy to update and alter; it also adds rich effects without your doing a bit of scripting. Ideally, you'll use CSS layouts as a starting point for your designs (Chapter 8, 'CSS Design Gallery,' shows off many CSS-based layouts).

You can see how an interim solution of using very clean, very simple tables along with CSS can address transitional needs for web designers and developers who can't address all layout with CSS due to specific browsers within the audience.

Even if you do decide to go all the way with pure CSS because you are willing to have certain audience members not see the layout, you can place the layout styles into one style sheet and import it and retain the presentation styles in another, linked style sheet. Netscape 4.x doesn't recognize the @import rule, so it will completely ignore the layout styles-the page layout won't be applied, but the content will still be readable and accessible.

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